Coheed and Cambria
"The Light & The Glass"
In Keeping Secrets of Silent
Earth: 3
The need to know: Coheed and Cambria have often been slammed as being the RUSH of the emo generation, but they get even nerdier than that. Which is, of course, why they're great. Running on the premise that each of their albums, including the just-released Year of the Black Rainbow, tells a part of frontman Claudio Sanchez's sprawling sci-fi epic. Not into bizarre outer space-based explorations into the meanings of love and religion? Never fear, their catalog is filled with hooks aplenty and the lyrical oeuvres are enough to keep even fanboys guessing at the story's plot.
Why it's worthy: "The Light & The Glass" caps off Coheed's second (and might I argue best) album. Following the largely punk-based The Second Stage Turbine Blade, IKSSE:3 hints at their turn into proggy territory so prevalent in the band's later albums. Though certain tracks on both early releases have their moments of impact, this song marks the group's first foray into epicness. Sanchez's voice isn't exactly made for balladeering but the building nature of this near-ten minute onslaught--from gentle poeticness to balls-out guitar assault--only makes the denouement that much more spine-chilling. Pray for us all? Don't mind if I do, creepy children, don't mind if I do.
Quotable lyric: "Would It really matter/ If you were to count the days left with your hands?"
Where you've heard it: "The Light & The Glass" appears on Coheed's 2005 DVD Live at the Starland Ballroom as well as 2009's Neverender, a four-disc live DVD featuring the band playing each of their albums live in succession.
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